Kevin Pranoto
C3I Doctoral Research Fellow
Kevin Pranoto is a licensed social worker and ordained minister with vast experience working in faith-based nonprofits and churches. He serves as the Associate Pastor of Social Work at Second Baptist Church in Downtown Little Rock, Arkansas, where he helps lead the church in matters of justice. Kevin is also an adjunct lecturer for the Garland School of Social Work and has taught courses on Human Diversity and Leadership and Capstone. Additionally, Kevin serves on several organizational boards including Baptist News Global, the Baptist House at Perkins School of Theology, Central Seminary, and the Garland School of Social Work at Baylor University.
Kevin holds a Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences from Baylor University, a Master of Divinity from Truett Theological Seminary, and a Master of Social Work from the Garland School of Social Work. While in the MSW program, he concentrated his studies in Community Practice and specialized in “Church Social Work: Women and the Church.” Currently, Kevin is pursuing the Doctor of Ministry in Transformational Leadership from Boston University School of Theology where he is focusing his research on the intersection of Christian theology and social work practice.