Lucy Huh
PhD Student
MA, Teaching, University of California, Irvine
BA, Psychology, University of California, Irvine
Research Interests
- Clergy perpetrated abuse
- Clericalism
- Gender inequality
- Religious institutional reform
Lucy Huh obtained her undergraduate and masters degrees from the University of California, Irvine. Prior to pursuing her PhD at Baylor University, she worked in case management for children and adults with developmental disabilities, as an educator, and as a researcher at Seoul National University in South Korea. She is committed to continuing the research pioneered by the late Dr. Diana Garland on clergy perpetrated abuse of adult women, and advocating for legislative and institutional reform to prevent abuse in religious contexts. She is a doctoral research fellow at Baylor University's Center for Church and Community Impact (C3I) and serves on the board of directors for The North American Association of Christians in Social Work (NACSW).