Research activities
Research at the #GSSW
The Garland School of Social Work is committed to pursuing a full agenda of research and publication, not only to add to the body of knowledge for our profession but to provide opportunities for our students to participate in this important learning exercise. Our faculty members are prolific in their production, especially around the strength of the School - the integration of faith and practice.
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Research Activities
Dr. Parrish: Professor awarded $3.1M NIH grant exploring interventions with young women in the juvenile justice system
Dr. Moon: Buffering Effects of Social Support and Parental Monitoring on Suicide
Jennifer Hollenberger: Religious Support Moderates the Long Reach of Adverse Childhood Events on Physical Health in Middle to Late Adulthood
Dr. Boddie: Aquaponics Project at Waco ISD
Dr. Lemmons: Black Female Fatherhood Scholars (BFFs) Network
Drs. Harris & Ellor: Older Adults in the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic: Reflections on Vulnerability, Grief, and the Vertical Limit
Drs. Harris & Yancey: The Why and How of Congregational Discernment in LGBTQ+ Inclusion: Models in the Literature
Drs. Harris & Yancey, Mallory Herridge & Carolyn Cole: Addressing LGBTQ+ Inclusion: Challenges, Faith, and Resilience in the Church and her People
Dr. Oxhandler: Integrating Social Workers’ Christian Faith in Social Work: A National Survey
Dr. Yancey: Pregnancy Options Counseling, Title X, and social work: what does faith have to do with it?
Drs. Meyers & Rogers: Nursing facility social work with family behavioral health challenges
Dr. Boddie: Professor awarded grant to support ethnographic research in today’s African American church
Dr. Parrish: Practical Implementation in Social Work Practice A Guide to Engaging in Evidence-Based Practice, 1st Edition
Dr. Polson: Worshipping across the color lines
Dr. Polson: Effects of Worshipping in Multi-ethnic Congregations on Whites
Dr. Parrish: Evidence-based practice: A common definition matters
Dr. Oxhandler: Client attitudes toward integrating religion and spirituality in mental health treatment
Dr. Dickey: Video Lecture: Saviors or Servants?: Listening to Kenyan Experiences of Missionaries and Volunteers