NACSW 2024 Annual Convention

October 25, 2024
Garland School Presenters at the 2024 NACSW Annual Convention

We had an incredible time at the annual NACSW convention in Dallas! Our Garland School faculty, alumni and students smashed it with more than 30 presentations and workshops! We are so proud of our community’s amazing work.

Reimagining Mental Health Care: Faith Communities as the Foundation for a Continuum of Care

Madeline Stiers, PhD graduate, LCSW-S, & Chief Clinical Officer at Hope and Healing Center & Institute

Social Work with First Responders at Times of Trauma

James Ellor, PhD, LCSW, DCSW, Professor Emeritus

Screening for Human Sex Trafficking in Social Service Organizations

Jennifer Trujillo Hollenberger, PhD graduate, Associate Professor & BSW Program Director at Grove City College

Clergy Sexual Abuse: Examining the Influence of Race and Culture

Lucy Huh, PhD student

Assessing Risk and Protective Factors in Faith Community Responses to Domestic Violence

Geneece Goertzen, PhD student, LMSW, MDiv

Navigating the RFMA: Implications Post-Dobbs vs Jackson

Heather Deal, PhD student

Adult Spirituality and Childhood Maltreatment: Future Research Directions

Morgan Davie, PhD student

Jocelyn McGee, PhD, Assistant Professor

Intergroup Dialogue with the Collaborative on Religion, Sexuality & Gender

Veronica Timbers, PhD graduate, Assistant Professor at University of Utah; Will Ward, PhD Student

Mental Health Clients’ Views of Integrating Spirituality into Treatment

Holly Oxhandler, PhD, LMSW, Professor, Associate Dean for Research

Edward Clay Polson, PhD, Associate Professor

Effectiveness of Christian Mindfulness for Pastors: Mindfulness & Burnout

Regina Chow Trammel, PhD graduate, LCSW, Professor at Azusa Pacific University

Difficult Conversations: Equipping Congregations for LGBTQ+ Discernment

Gaynor Yancey, DSW, Professor, and Director of Center for Church and Community Impact (C3i);

Mallory Herridge, LMSW, MDiv, Assistant Director for the Center for Church and Community Impact (C3i)

Transcendence in Family Caregivers of Persons with Early-Stage Alzheimer’s

Morgan Davie, PhD student

Jocelyn McGee, PhD, Assistant Professor

Institutional Betrayal: Faith Communities and Domestic Violence

Geneece Goertzen, PhD student, LMSW, MDiv

Man Up: Black Men Don’t Cry

Corey Tolliver, MSW graduate

Leading from Within: The Enneagram’s Tripartite Model of Mindfulness

Jon Singletary, PhD, Dean, The Diana R. Garland Endowed Chair of Child and Family Studies, and Professor

Integrating Faith in the Classroom using Christianity & Social Work, 7th ed

Laine Scales, PhD, Professor, and Co-Director of PhD Program

Regina Chow Trammel, PhD graduate, LCSW, Professor at Azusa Pacific University

Knowledge and Competence in Practice with Transition Age Youth with ASD

Jennifer Henson, PhD graduate, LMSW, Assistant Professor at Bethel University

Congregational Social Work: Bridging Social Work Practice and Faith-Based Communities

Gaynor Yancey, DSW, Professor, and Director of Center for Church and Community Impact (C3I)

Mallory Herridge, LMSW, MDiv, and Assistant Director for C3i

Erin Hill, LMSW, MDiv, Program Manager for C3i

Heather Mustain, MSW graduate

Nataly Sorenson, MSW graduate

Cintia Aguilar, MSW graduate

Increasing Empathy for Victims of Abuse

Geneece Goertzen, PhD student, LMSW, MDiv

Flourishing Together: Disability and the Church

Elyse McMullen, MSW graduate

Increasing Empathy for Victims of Abuse

Amanda Wilson Harper, PhD graduate, LCSW, MDiv, Assistant Professor at Tarleton State University

It’s OK to Say No, It’s OK to Not Be OK, It’s OK to Heal

Corey Tolliver, MSW graduate

A Right to Faith: LGBTQ+ Advocacy Across Religious Communities

Veronica Timbers, PhD graduate, Assistant Professor at University of Utah

Lesson from Pastoral Care to LGBTQ Teens

Will Ward, PhD Student, LCSW-S, MDiv

Best Practices for Teaching about Trauma: Students’ Experiences

Alina Bond Chan, PhD Student, MSW, LCSW, Assistant Professor at Azusa Pacific University

Building Resilient Congregations: A Peer Learning Model for Equipping Congregations through Congregational Social Workers

Gaynor Yancey, DSW, Professor and Director of Center for Church and Community Impact (C3I)

Mallory Herridge, LMSW, MDiv, and Assistant Director of C3i

Erin Hill, LMSW, MDiv, and Program Manager of C3i

Trauma Sensitive Congregations: Equipping Church Leaders through a Congregational Social Work Lens

Erin Hill, LMSW, MDiv, and Program Manager, Center for Church and Community Impact (C3i)

Research as Advocacy: How Trauma Initiates Change

Geneece Goertzen, PhD student, LMSW, MDiv

Lucy Huh, PhD student

Bianca Smith, PhD student, LCSW

Research as Social Work Education, Faith, and Justice: Updating our 10th Competency

Melody Zuniga, Clinical Associate Professor & Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Kerri Fisher, Clinical Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Whitney Luce, LMSW and Director of Practicum Education

Congregational Engagement in Advocacy: The Intersection of Faith, Social Justice, and Immigration

Tiffany Vidana, MSW graduate

Accompaniment: A Transformative Model of Care for Congregations and Communities

Mallory Herridge, LMSW, MDiv, and Assistant Director for the Center for Church and Community Impact (C3I)

Tiffany Vidana, MSW graduate

Love Your Neighbor through Loving Creation: Faith, Justice, & SW Ethics

Courtney Haworth, PhD student, LMSW, MDiv