Poverty Studies and Social Justice Minor
Are you interested in working with diverse and vulnerable populations? Do you feel called to effect social change, or advocate for poverty issues? Consider a minor in poverty studies and social justice.
- The Poverty Studies and Social Justice minor is available to all students, from all academic disciplines
- This minor consists of 18 hours
- At least 12 of these hours must be in residence
- At least 9 of these hours must be at a "3000" or "4000" level
- No more than 3 hours from a student's major may be applied to the "Poverty" minor
- Required courses include: SWO 4315, SWO 4322 and SWO 4323
SWO 4315
Foundations of Social Justice
This course examines theories and practices of social justice as related to oppressed groups in a multicultural society utilizing religious and non-religious perspectives. It also enhances understanding of an appreciation for diversity in self and others.
SWO 4322
Social Policy for Social Work Practice
This course explores historical and current patterns of provision of social welfare services, the effect of social policy on people gaining optimal health and well-being and the effect of social policy on oppressed and marginalized population groups and countries.
SWO 4323
Advanced Policy Frameworks: Poverty & Economic Inequality
This course explores social policy related to poverty and economic inequality. Utilizing social justice and anti-oppressive frameworks and building on content from SWO 4322 the course emphasizes economic policies and financial concepts as related to individuals and families across the life cycle, as well as communities, particularly those on the margins of society and experiencing poverty and near-poverty.
The remaining 9 hours can be chosen from the following courses:
ANT 1306, 1325, 3320, 4320 BIC 4374 BIO 4331 CFS 4356, 4367 CSD 3312 CSS 4354 ECO 3331, 4334, 4336 ENG 3305 ENT 4353 ENV 3314, 4310 HIS 2390, 3308, 3355, 3371, 4312, 4313, 4350, 4375, 4385 HP 3311 JOU 4305 LDS 3308 | MH 4396 MKT 3340 NSC 4312 NUTR 4352 PHI 1308, 3301, 4361, 4V99 PPS 3372, 4310, 4V98 PSC 3300, 3314, 3320, 3325, 4303, 4355, 4375, 4383 PSY 3310 PUBH 2330, 3325, 4340 SIC 4V98 SOC 3309, 3311, 3322, 3330, 3372, 4352, 4353, 4366 SWO 2321, 3351, 3352 TED 3380 |
To declare a minor, contact your advisor.
For questions about this minor, please contact Rachel Garcia.