Difficult conversations
Our communities are rich in diversity, experiences and stories. Our congregations are sometimes reflective of our community and sometimes outwardly homogenous; however, when we dive deeper into one another's stories we realize that our lived experiences have shaped our world-views and perspectives more than we realize. C3I explores how congregations navigate key issues of our time and provide training on tools such as Public Deliberation to assist with these processes.
C3I partners with Baylor Public Deliberation Initiative on their Faith and Deliberation Initiative which specifically focuses on producing resources for faith communities and congregations. This is a powerful community tool that utilizes spiritual practices such as compassion, empathy, and charitable listening. Faith and Deliberation efforts are open-ended and allow complex topics such as immigration, end of life, and violence to be discussed in an honoring manner where all voices can be heard and valued.
Questions that congregations may be asking
- Are we truly valuing everyone’s seat at the table and does everyone have an equal voice?
- Are we able to enter into hard conversations, discuss the matter at-hand, and walk away in an even deeper and meaningful relationship with one another?