Dyer Ethics Workshop 2024
Rethinking Suicide: Understanding Suicide Intervention and Response
Join us for the 27th Annual Dyer Ethics Workshop! This year’s event will be offered on Dec. 6, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. (CT) via a Zoom webinar. Ethics continuing education credits will be available for licensed social workers and LPCs. Registration is required. Those who register will receive information and instructions for the event, including the Zoom webinar link, the day before. We hope you will make plans to join us!
Participants will attend from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. for 2 CEUs, with an option of a third hour from 1 - 2 p.m., for a total of 3 CEUs.
We will welcome Dr. Janet McCord for this year's workshop who will present on the above topic.
Janet McCord, PhD, FT, Professor of Thanatology at Edgewood College, has been a thanatologist and suicidologist for more than 30 years. She is a death educator who teaches a broad array of topics in thanatology and suicidology and has educated hundreds of master’s level students around the globe in graduate thanatology programs.
She has been a past president for the Association for Death Education and Counseling and served on the Board of Directors for over seven years. She became a member of the International Work Group on Death, Dying and Bereavement (IWG) in 2016 and embraces the IWG’s vision as her own: a world where dying, death, and bereavement are an open part of all cultures. Her research interests include the investigation of global perspectives of trauma, dying, death, grief, suicide, and loss, and the intersection of thanatology with the arts.
For questions about the event, click HERE.