Gabriela Pointer
- Little Rock, AR
Graduation Year
- BSW May 2021; MSW May 2022
Favorite restaurant
- The Mix Cafe
Why did you choose Baylor's MSW Program?
- I came to visit the Baylor School of Social Work as a senior in high school. I met Dr. Singletary and other staff members and they all made me feel at home. Baylor's unique perspective of ethically integrating faith and practice was also extremely appealing to me. Now as a Baylor alumna (BSW 2021), it was a natural choice to come back to earn my MSW
What is a cause you are passionate about?
- I am passionate about ensuring child welfare especially for children belonging to marginalized communities. Children are amongst the most vulnerable in our population and I would to be a part of the community of clinicians that serve them.
How does a Master of Social Work degree fit into your career plan?
- I plan to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker providing mental health services to children and minors who have experienced trauma and child maltreatment
What is a piece of advice you would give a prospective student
- While being devoted to your studies is important, so is building community! By developing relationships with classmates, professors, and everyone in between, you will be well supported especially during those stressful academic seasons.
Unique characteristic(s) about yourself
- As a sophomore in college, I studied abroad in Madrid