Online - Student organizations
Baylor School of Social Work Student Association
The School encourages social work students to participate in the Baylor Social Work Student Association. The purpose of the organization is to provide an opportunity for students to participate in the governance of the School, coordinate their interests, and act cooperatively on behalf of all social work students and those they serve. SWSA is divided by undergraduate and graduate students and each has a faculty advisor and their own officers. The groups meet monthly to focus on issues relevant to their social work education, preparation for practice, and student support.
The student association for MSW students, with assistance from the student development committee, plans activities that allow first year, second year, advanced standing and dual degree MSW students to get together, develop relationships, and support each other. We encourage you to avail yourself of these opportunities to build community. We want students to participate in Baylor School of Social Work Committees, and the student association is the vehicle for this. Student representation is important and allows you to have a voice in policy making, decision making, and planning in the School.
Phi Alpha Honor Society
Phi Alpha is the National Honor Society for Social Work students. The Eta Sigma Chapter of Phi Alpha was chartered at Baylor University in 1998. The purpose of Phi Alpha is to promote a closer bond among students of social work and to foster humanitarian goals and ideals. Phi Alpha proudly encourages high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievements in social work.
Invitations are sent to those students who qualify. These invitations are sent via email each semester. The induction ceremony is in April. The annual membership meeting is at the induction ceremony. There are opportunities for Phi Alpha members to help in the community, as well as within the School, in the role of ambassadors for School of Social Work events. For more information, contact Krista Barrett at
Queer Student Association (QSA)
QSA is a student group at the GSSW that is dedicated to advocacy, education and creating a safe space for queer students. Queer folks and allies from Waco, Houston, and online campuses are encouraged to join and participate. For more information about QSA, please contact staff sponsor Erin Hill at
Black Leaders Moving Social Work (BLMSW)
BLM.SW is the first Black student organization at the GSSW. Our theme is “Black Excellence,” and our business is to “Lift Every Voice.” We are here to create and cultivate a safe space for our fellow Black students to be our authentic selves within a predominately white institution. BLMSW seeks to aid our GSSW family through our advocacy and tenacity while continuing the social work mission “to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty.” For more information about BLM.SW, please contact staff sponsors Brianna Lemmons ( and Stephanie Boddie (