Social Work Alumni: Emma Donaldson, BSW '19

Graduation year: 2019
Current City: Dallas, Texas
Undergraduate degree: Bachelor of Social Work, Baylor University
Employer: Mesquite ISD
Title: Intervention Specialist, LMSW
What are you are currently doing, and what do you love most about it?
I am currently working as an LMSW under LCSW supervision as an Intervention Counselor at Don P. Woolley Middle School in Mesquite ISD. I am the licensed mental health clinician on campus, providing both crisis and therapeutic support to staff and students. I love working with middle schoolers because they are hilarious. I have always worked in a crisis setting, even since BSW practicum, and I prefer that because of the fast pace. I also provide therapy once a week at my school district's free mental health clinic. My favorite part is when a middle schooler's behavior reflects something that we have been working on together!
Is the work you do unique compared to other social work positions?
My work is not unique to social work, but being a social worker is unique to my position. Most of my counterparts are LPCs, but the perspective social work gives me provides a holistic, well rounded, system inclusive strengths based toolset to use when working with staff and students.
What made you decide to pursue a degree in social work?
I decided that I wanted to pursue social work because I had the stereotypical "I want to help people" thought. I decided that I wanted to be a social worker when I turned 14 and was on a mission trip and my commitment never wavered.
Why did you choose the Garland School of Social Work at Baylor University?
I chose the GSSW because I loved the feeling of it. Upon visiting Baylor, the GSSW just felt like a tight knit community where I could be challenged, molded and grown but still loved and accepted simultaneously as an individual. The GSSW felt special.
Tell us about your favorite professor, course or favorite memory from your time with the GSSW.
I had a very good time playing up my assigned character when we learned about group dynamics and had to role play both the facilitator and group members. I was "James" and friends from my cohort still laugh with me about it!
Some of my favorite professors were Dr. Preston Dyer, Kerri Fisher, Dr. Gaynor Yancey and Kelly Palmer. I took away such incredible, salient social work and life skills from each one, and I think about their lasting impacts frequently.
What advice would you give to those considering a career in social work?
The more uncomfortable and unsure you are, the better!
What else would you like to share about social work at Baylor University?
I have ZERO regrets about choosing Baylor and the Garland School of Social Work!