COVID-19 Resources
We want to take a moment to pause and to encourage you in the work you are doing in response to the COVID-19 situation. Churches across the nation and our world are in the midst of crisis responses, caring for those within their walls and outside of their walls. You, alongside many others in your churches and communities, are making critical decisions every few hours as this situation continues to evolve and adapting everything you do on a weekly basis to reach your congregations. For that, we want to say thank you: for your efforts, for your hard work, for your adaptability, and for your care to others.
As we continue to go day by day, know that the C3I team is praying for you. We are in prayer for your churches. We are praying for wisdom and discernment in decision-making. We are praying over easy accessibility and deeply personal connection through the means of technology and phone calls. We are in prayer for those who are extremely vulnerable, physically, emotionally, financially, and socially, in your churches during this situation. We are in prayer for you, both personally and professionally, as you navigate unchartered waters and as you find ways to spiritually encourage and care for your congregations and communities.
While we move forward together into the uncertainty and unknowns, may we cling tightly to the One who is our refuge, our strength, and our ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). May we love, encourage, and lead one another well in patience and compassion.
COVID-19 Resources for Churches
Pastoral Care and Administrative Resources
- Free guide to creating participatory online worship services | click here.
- Guide to Christians funerals during COVID19 | click here
- Guidelines for pastoral care during COVID19 | click here
- Humanitarian Disaster Institute toolkit and webinar for Churches | click here
- Student Prayer for COVID19 | click here
- Tips for church financial leaders during COVID19 | click here
- Updated (5/06/2020) resource manual for congregations in Waco | click here
- Worship resources for churches adapting to social isolation | click here
CDC Resources
- CDC suggestions for cdc | click here.
Physical and Mental Health Resources
- For those located in Waco - ActLocallyWaco Resources | click here.
- MHMR Crisis Counseling
- "In response to the impact COVID-19 is having on the world, communities and individuals, the counselors with the Crisis Counseling Program are here to support you. We offer free, anonymous counseling via phone, video conference or even in safe, socially distanced locations. We also offer educational resources about COVID-19 such as best practices to keep you and your family safe as well as some ways to cope with the emotional affects you may be experiencing. Some of us have lost jobs, friends or family and others are struggling to cope with the effects of isolation. Feel free to call us for support at: (254)297-7017."