Brianna Lemmons
Assistant Professor

Ph.D., Howard University School of Social Work
MSW, Howard University School of Social Work
BA, Psychology, Spelman College
Research Interests
- Predictors Non-Resident Father Involvement
- The Role of Spirituality in Fathering
- Effective Delivery of Research Related Curriculum Content in Social Work Programs
- Evaluation of Fatherhood Programs
- Assessment, Outcomes, and Accreditation Processes in Social Work Education Programs
Selected Publications
Cryer-Coupet, Q.R., Dorsey, M.S., Lemmons, B.P., & Hope, E.C (2020). Examining multiple dimensions of father involvement as predictors of risk-taking intentions among black female adolescents. Children & Youth Services Review, 108, 1-10.
Lemmons, B.P., & Johnson, W.E. (2019). Game changers: A critical race theory analysis of the economic, social, and political factors impacting black fatherhood and family formation. Social Work in Public Health, 34:1, 86.101, DOI: 10.1080/19371918.2018.1562406.
Toldson, I.A., & Lemmons, B.P. (2015). Out-of-school time and African American students: Linking concept to practice. Journal of Negro Education, 84, 207-210.
Toldson, I.A., McGee, T., & Lemmons, B.P. (2015). Reducing suspensions by improving academic engagement among school-age black males. In. D.J. Losen (Ed.). Closing the School Discipline Gap: Equitable Remedies for Excessive Exclusion (pp. 107-117). New York: Teacher’s College Press.
Lemmons, B.P. (2014). Insights for future educators on promoting non-resident black father involvement in schools, increasing black student achievement, and advancing equity in education. In Y. Sealy-Ruiz, C. Lewis, & I.A. Toldson. (Eds.). Teacher Education and the Black Community: Implications for Access, Equity, and Achievement (pp. 15-42). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Toldson, I.A., & Lemmons, B.P. (2013). Social demographics, the school environment, and parenting practices associated with parents’ participation in schools and academic success among Black, Hispanic, and White students. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 23, 237-255.
Brianna P. Lemmons joined Baylor University’s Garland School of Social Work as an Assistant Professor in the Fall 2018. Dr. Lemmons is also a Minority Serving Institution Fellow with the American Evaluation Association and has extensive experience in the area of program evaluation, having served as an evaluator for organizations such as Concerned Black Men and The Dovetail Project. She has also served on the Assessment Team for the Local Dental Pilot Project—a program that promotes oral health among Native Americans in the East Los Angeles community.
Previously, Dr. Lemmons served as an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at California State University, Los Angeles and as an Adjunct Assistant Professor and Post-Doctoral Fellow at Howard University School of Social Work. Currently, her research focuses broadly on the structure and functioning of African American families, and more specifically on predictors of non-resident African American father involvement.
Her future lines of research will explore the role of spirituality in fathering and effective pedagogies for delivering research related content in social work programs. Dr. Lemmons received her doctorate in social work and master’s in social work from Howard University School of Social Work and her bachelor's degree in psychology from Spelman College. In her spare time, she enjoys dancing, reading, spending time with family, cooking and baking, and shopping. Her favorite scripture is: “And we know that all things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are called according this his purpose.” Romans 8:28