David Pooler

PhD, University of Louisville
MSSW, University of Louisville
BA, Lee University
Full Curriculum Vita
Research Interests
- Clergy Perpetrated Sexual Abuse of Adults
- Joy in Social Work
- Professional Ethics and Professional Development of Social Workers
- Professional Functioning of Social Workers
- Organizational Development, Leadership, and Change
- Organizational Justice
Selected Publications
Pooler, D.K., & Frey, A. (2017). Responding to survivors of clergy sexual abuse. In H.D. Gingrich, & F.C. Gingrich (Eds.) Treating trauma in Christian counseling. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press ISBN 978-0-8308-2861-6
Thomas, B., Scott, B., & Pooler, D.K. (2015). Increasing the use of Trauma-Sensitive Lens for School Case Managers: A Training Assessment. Journal of Adolescent and Family Health, 7(1), Article 4, available at https://scholar.utc.edu/jafh/vol7/iss1/4
Pooler, D.K., Wolfer, T., & Freeman, M. (2014). Finding joy in social work: Interpersonal sources. Families in Society, 95(1), 34-42.
Pooler, D.K., Wolfer, T., & Freeman, M. (2014). Finding joy in social work II: Intrapersonal sources. Social Work, 59(3), 213-221.
Wu, C., & Pooler, D.K., (2014). Social workers caregiver identity and distress: Examining the moderating role of self-esteem and social support. Social Work Research, 38(4) 237-249.
Pooler, D.K., & Jones, J. (2014). An assessment of supervisory wellbeing in a statewide Guardian ad Litem program. Journal of Adolescent and Family Health, 6(1), Article 3, available at https://scholar.utc.edu/jafh/vol6/iss1/3
Pooler, D.K., Qualls, N., Rogers, R., & Johnston, D. (2014). An exploration of cohesion and recovery outcomes in addiction treatment groups. Journal of Social Work with Groups, 37(4), 314-330.
Sherr, M. E., Pooler, D., Stamey, J., Jones, J., & Dyer, P. (2013). A randomized effectiveness trial of a sex education program for minority youth in Miami, Florida. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work. 10(2), 53-62.
Pooler, D.K., Doolittle, A., Faul, A.C., Barbee, A., & Fuller, M. (2012). MSW field education and impairment prevention: What do we need to know? Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 22(7), 916-927.
Dr. Pooler has more than 15 years of social work practice experience with several different populations including at-risk and abused children, adults with severe and persistent mental illness, persons with addictions, and homeless men. Dr. Pooler studies social workers and the organizational contexts in which social workers are employed. A primary focus of his research is studying how social workers find great joy in their work. He is interested in social work management and leadership. As an occupational social worker, Dr. Pooler is interested in assessing and developing interventions for social service organizations so that work environments are healthy, supportive, and just. He also has a strong interest in developing healthy congregations so that they can transform communities.
Dr. Pooler is married to Cheryl who is a lecturer in the Garland School of Social Work. Their two children were adopted from China; they are Josianne (2000) and Emilie (2003).